Sunset Plains JB Tanooki
Sunset Plains FD Daisy

SS: Dill's BJ Panty Waist *S
Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *S
SD: SGCH Dill's BF Glamour 4*M
DS: Dill's TS Double Oh Seven *B
Dam: Dill's 007 Arwen
DD: Dill's Naughty Little Elf 5*M
DOB: July 5, 2019
Tanooki is stunning! She catches my eye first always. Such lovely general appearance. Tanooki needs improvement in udder attachments and feet and legs.
Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *S
SD: SGCH Dill's BF Glamour 4*M
DS: Dill's TS Double Oh Seven *B
Dam: Dill's 007 Arwen
DD: Dill's Naughty Little Elf 5*M
DOB: July 5, 2019
Tanooki is stunning! She catches my eye first always. Such lovely general appearance. Tanooki needs improvement in udder attachments and feet and legs.

SS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Dill's PW Joe Boxer
Dam: Sunset Plains JB Tanooki
DD: Dill's 007 Arwen
DOB: May 8, 2022
Chamoisee/Swiss combination
Daisy is a very sweet bottle baby; she is ready to be bred.
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Dill's PW Joe Boxer
Dam: Sunset Plains JB Tanooki
DD: Dill's 007 Arwen
DOB: May 8, 2022
Chamoisee/Swiss combination
Daisy is a very sweet bottle baby; she is ready to be bred.
Sunset Plains WT Maple

SS: MCH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
Sire: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
SD: Sunset PLains DM ChocolateChip
DS: MCH Hill Country's DAX Stitch *S
Dam: S.K.R. Marisol
DD: Camino Allegre Ginger Rodgers
DOB: May 26, 2020
LA Scores-
2022- +V++83
Gold & White, silver moonspots, Blue eyes
Maple has a lovely general appearance and is very dairy. She is also extremely angular. We would like to see tighter toes and a better MSL/teat placement on Maple.
Sire: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
SD: Sunset PLains DM ChocolateChip
DS: MCH Hill Country's DAX Stitch *S
Dam: S.K.R. Marisol
DD: Camino Allegre Ginger Rodgers
DOB: May 26, 2020
LA Scores-
2022- +V++83
Gold & White, silver moonspots, Blue eyes
Maple has a lovely general appearance and is very dairy. She is also extremely angular. We would like to see tighter toes and a better MSL/teat placement on Maple.
Sunset Plains T Vixen
Sunset Plains NM Hali

SS: Owlhaven Nigel
Sire: Sunset Plains Nigel's Micah
SD: Sunset Plains JB Vintage Lace
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Hallel
DD: Sunset Plains HV Autunm Gold
DOB: April 12, 2023
Sire: Sunset Plains Nigel's Micah
SD: Sunset Plains JB Vintage Lace
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Hallel
DD: Sunset Plains HV Autunm Gold
DOB: April 12, 2023
Sunset Plains ITD Dewdrop

SS: Wood Bridge Farm Valedictorian *B
Sire: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
SD: SGCH Alethia M Dew Lee Noted 6*M
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Maple
DD: S.K.R. Marisol
DOB: April 13, 2023
Red and white, moonspots, blue eyes
Sire: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
SD: SGCH Alethia M Dew Lee Noted 6*M
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Maple
DD: S.K.R. Marisol
DOB: April 13, 2023
Red and white, moonspots, blue eyes
Sunset Plains VintageSunsprite
Sunset Plains Nigel's Micah

SS: Cedar View Placido
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *B
Dam: Sunset Plains JB Vintage Lace
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DOB: March 5, 2021
Chocolate Buckskin
I like Micah more all the time, he levels out so nicely across the topline. Has nice width of body and such a pleasant personality.
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *B
Dam: Sunset Plains JB Vintage Lace
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DOB: March 5, 2021
Chocolate Buckskin
I like Micah more all the time, he levels out so nicely across the topline. Has nice width of body and such a pleasant personality.
Sunset Plains JJ Maeve

SS: Old Mountain Farm Slim Jim
Sire: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
SD: Old Mountain Farm Eileen
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains Indigo Rose
DD: Sunset Plains Autumn Gold
DOB: March 17, 2022
$750- SOLD
Black, frosted ears
Sire: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
SD: Old Mountain Farm Eileen
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains Indigo Rose
DD: Sunset Plains Autumn Gold
DOB: March 17, 2022
$750- SOLD
Black, frosted ears
Sunset Plains KS HeartsOnFire

SS: Dragonfly G Mighty King Asa *B
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
SD: SG Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Poppy Patch
DD: Sunset Plains Copper Penny
DOB: May 8, 2017
Red & White, silver moonspots
This dam line has the prettiest udders! We call this doe Tiny, because she was very small when she was born. Tiny's dam was the AGS National Champion Doe in 2017 and was awarded Best Udder! Tiny's full brother Sunset Plains KS Pumpkin Pie needs one more leg to be a finished champion.
LA Scores-
2019- ++VV84 (FF)
2022- +EV+84
Sunset Plains BI Queen Esther

SS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon +*S
Sire: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B
SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D
DS: MCH/CH Flying Goat Jazzy Blues *S
Dam: Prairie Wood Clententine
DD: Hill County's Carolina
Black with random white
Blue eyes
DOB: March 29, 2016
LA Scores-
2019- VVEV86
Sire: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B
SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D
DS: MCH/CH Flying Goat Jazzy Blues *S
Dam: Prairie Wood Clententine
DD: Hill County's Carolina
Black with random white
Blue eyes
DOB: March 29, 2016
LA Scores-
2019- VVEV86
Esther has matured into a lovely doe, being very correct. I love this does levelness, length and nice wedge shape, just a really pretty general appearance. Esther has not disappointed us with her second fresh udder, milking 3.5lbs on her first test of 2018. Take a look at her udder progression over the years! She is a simply stunning doe. Absolutely at the top of my favorites list with her pleasant attitude, willingness to milk, and easy of milking.
S Bar H Jesse

DOB: March 28, 2020
LA Scores-
2022- ++G+81 Rear udder height of 45!
I adore Jesse, her quiet gentle presence is quite refreshing in our barn of Nigerians. Jesse is a lovely FF doe.
DOB: March 28, 2020
LA Scores-
2022- ++G+81 Rear udder height of 45!
I adore Jesse, her quiet gentle presence is quite refreshing in our barn of Nigerians. Jesse is a lovely FF doe.
Sunset Plains II Maid Of Honor
Dill's 007 Arwen

SS: Dill's D Two-Step +*B
Sire: Dill's TS Double Oh Seven *B
SD: GCH Dill's D Secret 2*M (EEEE92)
DS: NC PromisedLand MS River Dance +*B
Dam: Dill's RD Naughty Little Elf 5*M
DD: Dill's XM Chinenye 4*M
DOB: February 14, 2018
Chamiosee with cream points
I had wanted a doe kid from Dill's RD Naughty List for many years, when Ellen posted this little doe on her facebook page, I knew I had to have her. Arwen's dam, Naughty Little Elf is full sister to Naughty List.
Arwen is a gorgeous doe who is maturing into the powerful type of doe that I like to see. I am not disappointed with her first freshening.
Sire: Dill's TS Double Oh Seven *B
SD: GCH Dill's D Secret 2*M (EEEE92)
DS: NC PromisedLand MS River Dance +*B
Dam: Dill's RD Naughty Little Elf 5*M
DD: Dill's XM Chinenye 4*M
DOB: February 14, 2018
Chamiosee with cream points
- Show wins-
- Grand Champion Senior doe - June Jubilee 2022
I had wanted a doe kid from Dill's RD Naughty List for many years, when Ellen posted this little doe on her facebook page, I knew I had to have her. Arwen's dam, Naughty Little Elf is full sister to Naughty List.
Arwen is a gorgeous doe who is maturing into the powerful type of doe that I like to see. I am not disappointed with her first freshening.
Sunset Plains HV Payday

SS: MCH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee
SD: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M
DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B
Dam: Sunset Plains BI Bridal Party
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2nd Honeymoon
DOB: March 30, 2018
Swiss Marked, roaning
Payday is a very sweet easy-going doe.
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee
SD: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M
DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B
Dam: Sunset Plains BI Bridal Party
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2nd Honeymoon
DOB: March 30, 2018
Swiss Marked, roaning
Payday is a very sweet easy-going doe.
Sunset Plains FD Harmony

SS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Hallel
DD: Sunset Plains Autumn Gold
DOB: February 28, 2022
One of my 2022 keeper kids, I am attempting to downsize.
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Hallel
DD: Sunset Plains Autumn Gold
DOB: February 28, 2022
One of my 2022 keeper kids, I am attempting to downsize.
Sunset Plains SP Sterling

SS: Dreahook U Derby
Sire: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
SD: Dreahook DB Lyra VEEE90
DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *B/*S
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces VEEV89
DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DOB: May 1, 2020
Brown, silver and chocolate moonspots, random white
Sire: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
SD: Dreahook DB Lyra VEEE90
DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *B/*S
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces VEEV89
DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DOB: May 1, 2020
Brown, silver and chocolate moonspots, random white
Sunset Plains NL Little Dove

SS: Cedar View Placido
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
Dam: Sunset Plains PeanutBrittle
DD: SG Sunset Plains BI Moonpie
DOB: February 16, 2021
Chocolate & White
Nice little doe, ready to be bred. Bottle raised, so sweet and friendly.
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
Dam: Sunset Plains PeanutBrittle
DD: SG Sunset Plains BI Moonpie
DOB: February 16, 2021
Chocolate & White
Nice little doe, ready to be bred. Bottle raised, so sweet and friendly.
Sunset Plains ST Rose Dun

SS: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
Sire: Sunset Plains SP Sterling
SD: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DS: Wood Bridge Farm Underpressure
Dam: Tall & Small Much Ado
DD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Estelle
Dark Chamoisee, moonspots
DOB: April 5, 2021
Sire: Sunset Plains SP Sterling
SD: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DS: Wood Bridge Farm Underpressure
Dam: Tall & Small Much Ado
DD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Estelle
Dark Chamoisee, moonspots
DOB: April 5, 2021
Sunset Plains FD Persnickety

Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DOB: February 16, 2022
Chamoisee, random white
Super friendly and sweet, bottle raised. One of my keeper kids this year, unfortunately I have to cut back, or she would be staying.
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DOB: February 16, 2022
Chamoisee, random white
Super friendly and sweet, bottle raised. One of my keeper kids this year, unfortunately I have to cut back, or she would be staying.
Sunset Plains NL Halu

SS: Cedar View Placido
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Hallel
DD: Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold
DOB: March 3, 2021
Hallel has a beautiful FF udder! Lovely medial and soft texture, she milks out easily. I expect Halu to mature like her dam. Halu is ready to be bred!
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Hallel
DD: Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold
DOB: March 3, 2021
Hallel has a beautiful FF udder! Lovely medial and soft texture, she milks out easily. I expect Halu to mature like her dam. Halu is ready to be bred!
Sunset Plains FD Just Hitched

SS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Sunset Plains WT Huckleberry
Dam: Sunset Plains HB Bridal Bouquet
DD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DOB: March 4, 2021
Chocolate & white
If every doe in my herd had Bouquet's udder, I would not be disappointed. Bouquet may very well be the best udder I have produced here. Silky soft texture, large easy to express teats, open orifices, she also has wonderful longevity and will to milk, milking for 11 months on her first lactation. She is perfection in my book. She's a pretty, correct doe with a lovely general appearance. Hitch would be an excellent addition to anyone's program.
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Sunset Plains WT Huckleberry
Dam: Sunset Plains HB Bridal Bouquet
DD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DOB: March 4, 2021
Chocolate & white
If every doe in my herd had Bouquet's udder, I would not be disappointed. Bouquet may very well be the best udder I have produced here. Silky soft texture, large easy to express teats, open orifices, she also has wonderful longevity and will to milk, milking for 11 months on her first lactation. She is perfection in my book. She's a pretty, correct doe with a lovely general appearance. Hitch would be an excellent addition to anyone's program.
Sunset Plains NL Caliope

SS: Cedar View Placido
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Old Mountain Farm Wild Card
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DD: Prairie Wood Onceinablue Moon
DOB: February 9, 2021
Cou Clair
Calliope is a promising yearling milker. She is beautiful, small in stature doe.
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Old Mountain Farm Wild Card
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DD: Prairie Wood Onceinablue Moon
DOB: February 9, 2021
Cou Clair
Calliope is a promising yearling milker. She is beautiful, small in stature doe.
Sunset Plains SP Maybelline

SS: Dreahook U Derby
Sire: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
SD: Dreahook DB Lyra VEEE90
DS: Dill's D Two Sep +*B
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M
Cream Point Swiss
DOB: April 8, 2020
Sire: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
SD: Dreahook DB Lyra VEEE90
DS: Dill's D Two Sep +*B
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M
Cream Point Swiss
DOB: April 8, 2020
Sunset Plains NL Mila

SS: Cedar View Placido
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's D Two Sep +*B
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M
DOB: February 22, 2021
Swiss/Chamoisee combination
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's D Two Sep +*B
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M
DOB: February 22, 2021
Swiss/Chamoisee combination
Sunset Plains NL Camille

SS: Cedar View Placido
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's D Two Sep +*B
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M
DOB: February 22, 2021
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's D Two Sep +*B
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M
DOB: February 22, 2021
Sunset Plains III Moonshine

SS: Kyeema Ridge Irish Heartbeat
Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
SD: SG Kyeema Ridge MS Black Shadow
DS: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
Dam: Sunset Plains HV Starlet
DD: Prairie Wood Cricket
DOB: February 24, 2021
Black and white
Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
SD: SG Kyeema Ridge MS Black Shadow
DS: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
Dam: Sunset Plains HV Starlet
DD: Prairie Wood Cricket
DOB: February 24, 2021
Black and white
Sunset Plains SP Astrid

Sire: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DOB: May 1, 2020
Black, silver and chocolate moonspots, random white
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DOB: May 1, 2020
Black, silver and chocolate moonspots, random white
Sunset Plains HV Starlet
Sunset Plains SP Aroura

Sire: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DOB: May 1, 2020
Red, random white
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DOB: May 1, 2020
Red, random white
Sunset Plains JB Vintage Lace

SS: Dill's BJ Panty Waist *B
Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *B
SD: GCH Dill's BF Glamour 4*M +EEE89
DS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
Dam: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DD: SG Alethia Posey's Flower Girl *D/3*M
DOB: April 8, 2018
Chocolate Swiss Marked, roaning
This is a tough one to part with and she would not be offered for sale if I didn't have to do it, but we need to cut back. Lacy is one of my Honey daughters, with a lovely milkable udder. She is always a first to the gate to milk.
Lacy is available to a serious milking and show home.
$800 - SOLD
I am thrilled to have Lacy here, she brings femininity, strength, length of body and dairyness to our herd. She also has a nice disposition and a willingness to milk that we like to see.
Linear Appraisal Scores-
2019- V+++83 (FF)
Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *B
SD: GCH Dill's BF Glamour 4*M +EEE89
DS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
Dam: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DD: SG Alethia Posey's Flower Girl *D/3*M
DOB: April 8, 2018
Chocolate Swiss Marked, roaning
This is a tough one to part with and she would not be offered for sale if I didn't have to do it, but we need to cut back. Lacy is one of my Honey daughters, with a lovely milkable udder. She is always a first to the gate to milk.
Lacy is available to a serious milking and show home.
$800 - SOLD
I am thrilled to have Lacy here, she brings femininity, strength, length of body and dairyness to our herd. She also has a nice disposition and a willingness to milk that we like to see.
Linear Appraisal Scores-
2019- V+++83 (FF)
Sunset Plains HV Tallulah

SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear*B
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
SD: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M
DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B
Dam: Sunset Plains BI Queen Esther
DD: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: March 15, 2018
Swiss Marked, white belt, blue eyes
Linear Appraisal scores-
2019- V+++83 (FF)
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
SD: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M
DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B
Dam: Sunset Plains BI Queen Esther
DD: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: March 15, 2018
Swiss Marked, white belt, blue eyes
Linear Appraisal scores-
2019- V+++83 (FF)
Sunset Plains HV Peanut Brittle

SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
SD: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M
DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B
Dam: SG Sunset Plains BI MoonPie
DD: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DOB: March 14, 2018
Swiss Marked, random white
Peanut's dam appraised with a E rump in 2018. Moonpie is a very correct doe and I am seeing similar qualities in Peanut.
Sunset Plains III IndianSummer

SS: Kyeema Ridge Irish Heartbeat
Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
SD: SG Kyeema Ridge MS Black Shadow
DS: SG MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: Sunset Plains KS Paisley
DD: Sunset Plains BI Bumble Bee
DOB: July 28, 2o20
Swiss Marked, random white
Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
SD: SG Kyeema Ridge MS Black Shadow
DS: SG MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: Sunset Plains KS Paisley
DD: Sunset Plains BI Bumble Bee
DOB: July 28, 2o20
Swiss Marked, random white
Sunset Plains BI Bridal Party
SS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon +*S
Sire: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice +*B SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D DS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B Dam: SG Valley Flowers 2nd Honeymoon DD: SG Alethia JD Posey's Flower Girl *D/3*M DOB: April 8, 2016 Swiss Marked with roaning Show Wins-
Party is following in her dam's hoove-steps, she is a lovely dairy, angular doe. It pains me to do it but Party is for sale. I have been unable to get Party to settle for last couple of years despite strong heats and multiple breedings, with different buccks. She sells with full disclosure of that. My loss is your gain. I don't have the time or space to keep her around. |
Prairie Wood Serendipity Seren

Sire: CH/MCH Prairie Wood Picasso *B
Dam: Seldom Herd BettyLou
DOB: February 14, 2020
Light Chamoisee, moonspots
Dam: Seldom Herd BettyLou
DOB: February 14, 2020
Light Chamoisee, moonspots
Sunset Plains HV Samoa
SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B SD: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B Dam: Sunset Plains DM ChocolateChip DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty DOB: March 26, 2018 Swiss Marked $250.00 - SOLD I have waited several years for a daughter from Chip and she did not disappoint with Samoa. This kid is very correct, I can't wait to see her freshen.
*I really hate to let her go but have been unable to get Samoa bred, if you are willing to take a chance she is yours! Show Wins-
Sunset Plains HB Calamity Jane

Sire: Sunset Plains WT Huckleberry
Dam: Tall & Small Much Ado
DOB: May 2, 2019
Gold, silver and chocolate moonspots
We have decided to let this doe go. Not a dry yearling but a two year old. Ready to be freshened.
Dam: Tall & Small Much Ado
DOB: May 2, 2019
Gold, silver and chocolate moonspots
We have decided to let this doe go. Not a dry yearling but a two year old. Ready to be freshened.
Sunset Plains III Obsidian Ink

Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DOB: May 25, 2020
Back, random white
Dam: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DOB: May 25, 2020
Back, random white
Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold

SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
SD: SG CH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M
DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DOB: April 16, 2017

I am really happy to watch Autumn mature. She is a lovely little doe, with pliable dairy skin. I couldn't be happier with her fore, rear and lateral udder attachments. Autumn also exhibits good width throughout, which is something I am consistently seeing in Hummer daughters. I would like to see more length of body. Autumn is really wowing me as a second freshener, her mammary is just lovely. This doe is very hard to part with.
LA Scores-
2019- ++VV83
LA Scores-
2019- ++VV83
Sunset Plains JB Relic

Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Luster
DOB: May 10, 2019
Light Chamiosee with chocolate moonspots
Dam: Sunset Plains WT Luster
DOB: May 10, 2019
Light Chamiosee with chocolate moonspots
Sunset Plains KS Paisley
SS: Dragonfly G Mighty King Asa
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B SD: Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice *+B Dam: Sunset Plains BI Bumble Bee DD: Prairie Wood Cricket DOB: May 22, 2017 Swiss Marked Roan
Sunset Plains JB Sequoia
Sunset Plains III Covergirl

Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains HV Starlet
DOB: April 8, 2020
Dam: Sunset Plains HV Starlet
DOB: April 8, 2020
Redstone Nadi's Rabbit's Foot

SS: Algedi Farm MH Solaris +*B
Sire: Dragonfly SOL Nadi *B
SD: Dragonfly AV Shakti 2*M
DS: Flat Rocks Smoke and Mirrors +B
Dam: Redstone Dem Bones 7*M
DD: Redstone G Skeletor 6*M
DOB: February 1, 2017
Black and white
I have been impressed with Redstone Dairy Goats for some time, I am very happy to add Rabbit to our herd. Rabbit is a gorgeous doe, so sharp and angular with dairy skin, a wonderful brisket, flat bone, sharp withers and smoothly blended. Rabbit also has a wonderful demeanor.
LA Scores-
2019- VVVV87 (FF)
Show Wins-
Sire: Dragonfly SOL Nadi *B
SD: Dragonfly AV Shakti 2*M
DS: Flat Rocks Smoke and Mirrors +B
Dam: Redstone Dem Bones 7*M
DD: Redstone G Skeletor 6*M
DOB: February 1, 2017
Black and white
I have been impressed with Redstone Dairy Goats for some time, I am very happy to add Rabbit to our herd. Rabbit is a gorgeous doe, so sharp and angular with dairy skin, a wonderful brisket, flat bone, sharp withers and smoothly blended. Rabbit also has a wonderful demeanor.
LA Scores-
2019- VVVV87 (FF)
Show Wins-
- Grand Champion Junior Doe, NM State Fair 2018
Sunset Plains DM Teddy Graham

SS: Pecan Grove Caliente Galleta *B/*S
Sire: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
SD: Agape Oaks Amazing Grace 2*M/1*D
DS: DesertNanny AB Appaloosa *S
Dam: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DD: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DOB: April 16, 2015
Teddy Graham is Reese's littermate sister. Teddy arrived back to our herd after being sold as a kid, she was purchased to be a home dairy goat but she was never bred. Should be as nice as her sister if she gets bred.
Sire: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
SD: Agape Oaks Amazing Grace 2*M/1*D
DS: DesertNanny AB Appaloosa *S
Dam: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DD: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DOB: April 16, 2015
Teddy Graham is Reese's littermate sister. Teddy arrived back to our herd after being sold as a kid, she was purchased to be a home dairy goat but she was never bred. Should be as nice as her sister if she gets bred.
Sunset Plains DM Sugar N Spice
Sire: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: April 3, 2014
Spice comes back to us with her doe kid from 2015 along with Teddy Graham. She was purchased to be used as a home dairy doe and those plans fell through for the family leaving Spice as a backyard pet.
Dam: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: April 3, 2014
Spice comes back to us with her doe kid from 2015 along with Teddy Graham. She was purchased to be used as a home dairy doe and those plans fell through for the family leaving Spice as a backyard pet.
Sunset Plains Wedding Bells

Bell is a sweet doe who was purchased as a kid with her dam Spice with the intention of being a home dairy doe, she was never bred.
I would like to see her sold with her dam Spice, as they are very bonded.
Buckskin, heavy white overlay, blue eyes
DOB: October 5, 2015
Sunset Plains KS Dream Catcher
SS: Dragonfly G Mighty King Asa *B
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
SD: Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice *+B
Dam: SG Sunset Plains BI MoonPie
DD: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DOB: April 21, 2017
Buckskin; white belt, poll, and frosted ears
LA Scores-
2019- ++++84
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
SD: Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
DS: SG Castle Rock Brash Ice *+B
Dam: SG Sunset Plains BI MoonPie
DD: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DOB: April 21, 2017
Buckskin; white belt, poll, and frosted ears
LA Scores-
2019- ++++84
Sunset Plains AZ Ember

Buckskin with roan cape
Dry yearling, ready to breed.
DOB: April 22, 2018
SS: CH Hill Country DAX Stitch *S
Sire: Gypsy Mtn. Ranch Azure
SD: CH Seldom Herd Ariel
DS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: Sunset Plains KS Carmelita
DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
Dry yearling, ready to breed.
DOB: April 22, 2018
SS: CH Hill Country DAX Stitch *S
Sire: Gypsy Mtn. Ranch Azure
SD: CH Seldom Herd Ariel
DS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: Sunset Plains KS Carmelita
DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
Sunset Plains JB Luminous

Chamiosee, random white
Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *S
Dam: Dill's PL Shine
DOB: April 26, 2019
A beautiful doe who should excel in the milk pail as well as the show ring. This pedigree speaks for itself.
Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *S
Dam: Dill's PL Shine
DOB: April 26, 2019
A beautiful doe who should excel in the milk pail as well as the show ring. This pedigree speaks for itself.
Sunset Plains HV Kokopelli

Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
Dam: Sunset Plains KS Dream Catcher
DOB: April 13, 2019
Black, random white
Dam: Sunset Plains KS Dream Catcher
DOB: April 13, 2019
Black, random white
Dill's PL Shine
These animals have gone on to other herds.

SS: Dill's TS Banjo +*B
Sire: Dill's BJ Playa *B
SD: Dill's GA Vamp 3*M
DS: MI Sugar Creek TW Tune's XM *S/++*B
Dam: GCH/MCH Dill's XM Shimmer 3*M
DD: GCH/MCH Dill's AC Tranquility 5*D/2*M
DOB: February 19, 2016
Dark Chamoisee
Linear Appraisal Scores-
2019- VV+V 87
Just look at the pedigree this girl has. Shine's dam Shimmer has a very impressive LA Score of EEEE92. Shine is a gorgeous very dairy doe, with butter soft skin. She has a capacious udder but I would like to see better teat delineation, larger teats., and better rear and lateral attachments. This price is a steal for a Shimmer daughter and less than what I paid for her.
Sire: Dill's BJ Playa *B
SD: Dill's GA Vamp 3*M
DS: MI Sugar Creek TW Tune's XM *S/++*B
Dam: GCH/MCH Dill's XM Shimmer 3*M
DD: GCH/MCH Dill's AC Tranquility 5*D/2*M
DOB: February 19, 2016
Dark Chamoisee
Linear Appraisal Scores-
2019- VV+V 87
Just look at the pedigree this girl has. Shine's dam Shimmer has a very impressive LA Score of EEEE92. Shine is a gorgeous very dairy doe, with butter soft skin. She has a capacious udder but I would like to see better teat delineation, larger teats., and better rear and lateral attachments. This price is a steal for a Shimmer daughter and less than what I paid for her.
Sunset Plains HV Kachina Doll

Buckskin, random white
DOB: April 11, 2018
SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
SD: SG CH Last Straw Chattahoochee
DS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: Sunset Plains Dream Catcher
DD: SG Sunset Plains BI Moonpie
DOB: April 11, 2018
SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear *B
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
SD: SG CH Last Straw Chattahoochee
DS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: Sunset Plains Dream Catcher
DD: SG Sunset Plains BI Moonpie
Sunset Plains JB Sassafras

Sire: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *B
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DOB: April 22, 2019
Dam: Dill's TS Shenanigans
DOB: April 22, 2019
Sunset Plains WT Luster

SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KS Kingspear
Sire: Sunset Plains KA Wyatt
SD: Sunset Plains DM ChocolateChip
DS: Dill's BJ Playa *B
Dam: Dill's PL Shine
DD: GCH/MCH Dill's XM Shimmer 3*M EEEE92
DOB: April 3, 2018
Chocolate Chamoisee, dark chocolate and silver moonspots
Sire: Sunset Plains KA Wyatt
SD: Sunset Plains DM ChocolateChip
DS: Dill's BJ Playa *B
Dam: Dill's PL Shine
DD: GCH/MCH Dill's XM Shimmer 3*M EEEE92
DOB: April 3, 2018
Chocolate Chamoisee, dark chocolate and silver moonspots
Sunset Plains CO Morning Glory

SS: Heaven's Hollow Charmer *B
Sire: Heaven's Hollow Courageous *B
SD: SGCH Simple Pleasures CF Dottytude *M
DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *B/*S
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Moonflower
DD: Valley Flowers Violet
DOB: April 22, 2018
Dark Buckskin, random white
Glory is a sweet natured doe who is long, sharp, dairy and feminine. Glory has a wonderful disposition.
Sunset Plains CO Amazing Grace

SS: Heaven's Hollow Charmer *B
Sire: Heaven's Hollow CH Courageous *B
SD: SGCH Simple Pleasures CT Dottytude *M EEEV 90
DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DOB: April 27, 2018
Gold random white
Reeses is one of my favorite does. Right up there with Honey and Reese's sister Chip. Reese's first daughter is Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold, who is quickly following Reeses as a great doe, only being a yearling FF. I hope Gracie turns out like her dam and sister.
Sire: Heaven's Hollow CH Courageous *B
SD: SGCH Simple Pleasures CT Dottytude *M EEEV 90
DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Sunset Plains DM Reeses Pieces
DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DOB: April 27, 2018
Gold random white
Reeses is one of my favorite does. Right up there with Honey and Reese's sister Chip. Reese's first daughter is Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold, who is quickly following Reeses as a great doe, only being a yearling FF. I hope Gracie turns out like her dam and sister.
Sunset Plains KS Sunshine

SS: Dragon Fly G Mighty King Asa
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
SD: Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
DS: MCH/CH Hill Country's DAX Stitch *S
Dam: S.K.R. Marisol
DD: Camino Allegre Ginger Rodgers
DOB: May 26, 2017
Light Buckskin, Blue eyes
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
SD: Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
DS: MCH/CH Hill Country's DAX Stitch *S
Dam: S.K.R. Marisol
DD: Camino Allegre Ginger Rodgers
DOB: May 26, 2017
Light Buckskin, Blue eyes
Sunset Plains KS Carmelita

SS: Dragonfly G Mighty King Asa
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
SD: Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
DS: CH Desert Nanny AB Appaloosa
Dam: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DD: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DOB: April 21, 2017
Buckskin; white belt
Sire: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
SD: Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
DS: CH Desert Nanny AB Appaloosa
Dam: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty
DD: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DOB: April 21, 2017
Buckskin; white belt
Sunset Plains BI Bumble Bee

SS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon +*S
Sire: Castle Rock Brash Ice *B
SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D
DS: Old Mountain Farm Wild Card*B
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DD: Prairie Wood OnceInaBlue Moon
DOB: March 27, 2016
Swiss Marked
Bumble Bee is a correct, small in stature doe. Bee is a FF doe who didn't freshen for 2018. She is currently dry and ready to be bred for 2019. I will offer her exposed (not guaranteed bred) at her listed price. Please contact me for more details.
Sire: Castle Rock Brash Ice *B
SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D
DS: Old Mountain Farm Wild Card*B
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DD: Prairie Wood OnceInaBlue Moon
DOB: March 27, 2016
Swiss Marked
Bumble Bee is a correct, small in stature doe. Bee is a FF doe who didn't freshen for 2018. She is currently dry and ready to be bred for 2019. I will offer her exposed (not guaranteed bred) at her listed price. Please contact me for more details.
Sunset Plains DM Poppy Patch
Sunset Plains DM Moonflower
SS: Pecan Grove Caliente Galleta *B/*S
Sire: Blunderosa Dark Moon *B/*S SD: Agape Oaks Amazing Grace 2*M/1*D DS: Flat Rock's OP Blackjack Dam: Valley Flowers Violet DD: Flat Rock's DB Blue Bonnet DOB: April 4, 2016 Gold and white pinto, silver moonspots Moonflower is a lovely stylish doe. With the Dark Moon trademark butter soft udder texture. This little doe has a strong will to milk. She also has her sire's trademark sweet personality. LA Scores- 2017- +VV+83 |
Alethia JD Posey's Flower Girl *D/3*M
SS: Rosasharn BB Centro
Sire: Alethia CTO Just Dew It SD: MCH Alegedi Farm DJ Honey Dew DS: Velvet Acres Profiterole Dam: GCH Buttin'Heads Wedding Proposal 2*M DD: ARMCH Buttin'Heads Wedding Song 3*D DOB: January 1, 2013 LA Scores: 2017- +EEV87 2015- V+VV 86 Light Buckskin; heavy white overlay Posey has a lovely mammary, which she passes down to her daughters. Posey's greatest contribution to our herd is her daughter Honey. Honey is one of my very favorite does to milk, she has a socked on udder, with long easy to milk teats. This bloodline is a favorite in my herd, I have Posey's daughter and now 3 granddaughters. This line has made a huge impact here. |
Sunset Plain HV StarsintheSky
SS: MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Sire: CBF KS I'm A Humvee
SD: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *M/*D
DS: Valley Flowers Ring Bear
Dam: Sunset Plains Stormy Skies
DD: Sunset Plains LuLu
DOB: April 6, 2017
Swiss marked, roan, heavy white overlay
Sunset Plains BI MoonPie
SS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon +*S
Sire: Castle Rock Brash Ice *B SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D DS: Piddlin Acres H Calm The Strom Dam: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss DD: CBF Ent's Whistling Dixie DOB: March 26, 2016 Black and white LA Scores- 2017- VVVA84 My Hershey dam line is slow to mature, but I am very happy with my Hershey granddaughters. MoonPie happens to be the second daughter from Hershey, who is now retired. MoonPie is very structurally correct. She exhibits nice general appearance with good length of body, tight shoulders, correct rear leg set. I would like to see a tab bit higher rear udder attachment, she has an excellent MSL. I will be really sad to see this doe go. |
CBF KK Bon Bon

SS: Busy Browsers Akamai
Sire: Lazy R Ranch AK Kosuke *S/*B
SD: CBF TD Kokoro Kiseki 2*M/2*D
DS: Ironwoodranch A Good Intrigue
Dam: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M EEEE92
DD: Last Straw Halona Belle
DOB: May 10, 2014
Broken Chamoisee
LA Scores-
2017- +VVA83
2015- Young Stock- VVVV
Sire: Lazy R Ranch AK Kosuke *S/*B
SD: CBF TD Kokoro Kiseki 2*M/2*D
DS: Ironwoodranch A Good Intrigue
Dam: SGCH Last Straw Chattahoochee *D/*M EEEE92
DD: Last Straw Halona Belle
DOB: May 10, 2014
Broken Chamoisee
LA Scores-
2017- +VVA83
2015- Young Stock- VVVV
Bon Bon is a lovely doe who we are honored to have in our herd. She is very similar to her dam Chatty, who belongs to CBF Nigerians. Chatty has a very impressive LA score of EEEE 92.
Bon Bon has had a rough go of things, in 2016 she became extremely lopsided in her udder and had to be dried off early, in 2017 she lost her whole litter of quintuplets two weeks early. Bon Bon wanted to be a mother and was mourning the loss of her kids, and adopted another doe kid in our herd, Star. We did choose to appraise Bon Bon in 2017 and her Linear score reflects the loss of her litter. Despite her trials Bon Bon is a lovely milking doe, with good sized plumb teats, she has very good milk stand manners as well. |
Sunset Plains BI Bubble Gum
Sunset Plains BI Smoke Rises

SS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon +*S
Sire: Castle Rock Brash Ice *B
SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D
DS: Old Mountain Farm Wild Card*B
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DD: Prairie Wood OnceInaBlue Moon
DOB: March 27, 2016
Cou Clair/Buckskin Combination
Sire: Castle Rock Brash Ice *B
SD: CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M/4*D
DS: Old Mountain Farm Wild Card*B
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DD: Prairie Wood OnceInaBlue Moon
DOB: March 27, 2016
Cou Clair/Buckskin Combination
Sunset Plains Blue Eyed Gem

SS: DesertNanny UMA Astro Boy
Sire: DesertNanny AB Appaloosa *S
SD: DesertNanny BR Kickingbird 4*D/4*M
DS: Sunset Plains Almond Roca
Dam: Sunset Plains Diamonds Sparkle
DD: Prairie Wood Memo *M/*D
DOB: April 4, 2013
Chocolate buckskin
Blue eyes
LA Scores:
2017- ++E+82
2015- ++V+82
Gem has become one of my favorite does, she is a wonderful little mama, loves her kids. She also loves to be milked and comes happily to the milk stand, never had to be trained to milk, never kicked. Gem earns her keep here being a great milker. She comes from a long line of heavy producers.
Sire: DesertNanny AB Appaloosa *S
SD: DesertNanny BR Kickingbird 4*D/4*M
DS: Sunset Plains Almond Roca
Dam: Sunset Plains Diamonds Sparkle
DD: Prairie Wood Memo *M/*D
DOB: April 4, 2013
Chocolate buckskin
Blue eyes
LA Scores:
2017- ++E+82
2015- ++V+82
Gem has become one of my favorite does, she is a wonderful little mama, loves her kids. She also loves to be milked and comes happily to the milk stand, never had to be trained to milk, never kicked. Gem earns her keep here being a great milker. She comes from a long line of heavy producers.
Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty

SS: DesertNanny UMA Astro Boy
Sire: DesertNanny AB Appaloosa *S
SD: DesertNanny BR Kickingbird 4*D/4*M
DS: Piddlin Acres H Calm The Storm
Dam: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DD: CBF Ent's Whistling Dixie
DOB: 4-10-2013
Black & white
LA Score:
2017- VEE+86
2015- VEVV87
2014- +EV+86
This doe is our first Hershey daughter, she has really bloomed as a second freshener. Peppermint really caught the eye of our appraiser in 2015, he thought she was a correct lovely doe.
Sire: DesertNanny AB Appaloosa *S
SD: DesertNanny BR Kickingbird 4*D/4*M
DS: Piddlin Acres H Calm The Storm
Dam: MCH/CH Sunset Plains CS Hershey Kiss
DD: CBF Ent's Whistling Dixie
DOB: 4-10-2013
Black & white
LA Score:
2017- VEE+86
2015- VEVV87
2014- +EV+86
This doe is our first Hershey daughter, she has really bloomed as a second freshener. Peppermint really caught the eye of our appraiser in 2015, he thought she was a correct lovely doe.
Prairie Wood Clementine

SS: Prairie Wood Huckleberry *S
Sire: MCH/CH Flying Goat Jazzy Blues *S E
SD: CH/MCH Prairie Wood Bella *D/*M VG
DS: Lost Valley Tae-Bo
Dam: Hill Country's TB Carolina
DD: Lost Pines Alabama
DOB: November 10, 2010
Chocolate Buckskin Pinto
Blue Eyes
LA Scores:
2017- +VE+84
2014- +E++82
2012- AV++81
Clementine is a small doe and freshened in 2013 with FIVE babies. Clementine has the sweetest personality, loves scratches, she is such a pet. Clementine will be retired in 2017.
Sire: MCH/CH Flying Goat Jazzy Blues *S E
SD: CH/MCH Prairie Wood Bella *D/*M VG
DS: Lost Valley Tae-Bo
Dam: Hill Country's TB Carolina
DD: Lost Pines Alabama
DOB: November 10, 2010
Chocolate Buckskin Pinto
Blue Eyes
LA Scores:
2017- +VE+84
2014- +E++82
2012- AV++81
Clementine is a small doe and freshened in 2013 with FIVE babies. Clementine has the sweetest personality, loves scratches, she is such a pet. Clementine will be retired in 2017.
Sunset Plains Something Blue
SS: MCH/CH Peoctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Sire: Valley Flowers Posey Ring Bear SD: SG Altethia JD Posey's Flower Girl *D/3*M DS: Blunderosa Darm Moon *B/*S Dam: Sunset Plains DM Sugar N Spice DD: Prairie Wood Clementine LA Scores- 2017- +VVA81 DOB: October 4, 2015 Light Buckskin with white overlay Blue eyes |
Sunset Plains Stormy Skies
Sunset Plains Kaleidoscope

Sire: Valley Flowers Posey Ring Bear
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DOB: March 24, 2015
Cou Clair
LA Scores-
2015- Young Stock - ++V+
Dam: Prairie Wood Cricket
DOB: March 24, 2015
Cou Clair
LA Scores-
2015- Young Stock - ++V+
Sunset Plains Chiclet

SS: Sandy Hollow SHO Moonshine
Sire: MCH Sun Catcher Moonraker
SD: Kannah Creek Frivola
SD: Rosasharn HB Gideon +*S
Dam: Tin Fays Cleopatra
DD: Nizhoni's Lila Fay
DOB: April 9, 2013
Chiclet is a very sweet doe, she has done well in the show ring as well as the milk pail. I really enjoy milking Chiclet with her exceptional milk stand manners, Chiclet does need improvement in teat size.
LA Scores-
2015- VVV+ 85
Valley Flowers Violet

SS: Flat Rocks Order Ofthe Phoenix
Sire: Flat Rocks OP Blackjack
SD: Flat Rocks Terror Alert
DS: Flat Rocks Dobby
Dam: Flat Rocks DB Bluebonnet
DD: Flat Rock HS Valentine
DOB: March 21, 2014
Black and White
LA Sores-
2015- Young Stock- VVVV
Sire: Flat Rocks OP Blackjack
SD: Flat Rocks Terror Alert
DS: Flat Rocks Dobby
Dam: Flat Rocks DB Bluebonnet
DD: Flat Rock HS Valentine
DOB: March 21, 2014
Black and White
LA Sores-
2015- Young Stock- VVVV
Sunset Plains DM Lulu

Sire: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Sunset Plains Chiclet
DOB: April 2, 2014
Sunset Plains DM Sugar N Spice

Sire: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: April 3, 2014
Blue eyes
Sunset Plains Pistachio

Sire: Blunderosa Dark Moon *S/*B
Dam: Sunset Plains AR Copper Penny
DOB: August 25, 2013
LA Scores:
2014- YS- VVEC, Overall- V
Dam: Sunset Plains AR Copper Penny
DOB: August 25, 2013
LA Scores:
2014- YS- VVEC, Overall- V
Sunset Plains Carmello

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Zipcode *S/*B
Dam: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: May 3, 2013
Chocolate Buckskin
Reserve Grand Champion Junior doe in 2014
Dam: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: May 3, 2013
Chocolate Buckskin
Reserve Grand Champion Junior doe in 2014
Sunset Plains AR Copper Penny

Sire: Sunset Plains Almond Roca
Dam: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: June 7, 2012
Red & white
Blue eyes
Penny is a lovely doe! Penny's udder is fantastic. Butter soft texture and huge teats with wide open orifices, milk just flows with little effort. Penny milked for 14 months in 2014, just what I would like to see in all my does. Penny's 2015 daughter is retained and will freshen in 2017, hoping for her to be a replica of her dam.
LA Scores-
2015- VV++84
Dam: Prairie Wood Clementine
DOB: June 7, 2012
Red & white
Blue eyes
Penny is a lovely doe! Penny's udder is fantastic. Butter soft texture and huge teats with wide open orifices, milk just flows with little effort. Penny milked for 14 months in 2014, just what I would like to see in all my does. Penny's 2015 daughter is retained and will freshen in 2017, hoping for her to be a replica of her dam.
LA Scores-
2015- VV++84
Reference Bucks
Valley Flowers Posey Ring Bear
Sire: AGS Dragonfly G Mighty King Asa
Sire: Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: AGS Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
Sire: Alethia CTO Just Dew It *B
Dam: Alethia JD Posey's Flower Girl
Dam: GCH Buttin' Heads Wedding Proposal
DOB: March 15, 2014
Buckskin, extensive white overlay, silver roaning.
Sire: Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear
Dam: AGS Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes
Sire: Alethia CTO Just Dew It *B
Dam: Alethia JD Posey's Flower Girl
Dam: GCH Buttin' Heads Wedding Proposal
DOB: March 15, 2014
Buckskin, extensive white overlay, silver roaning.
Sunset Plains Almond Roca
Sire: Lost Valley JL Warrick *S
Dam: CBS CF Chocolate Truffle
DOB: April 13, 2011
Roca has moved on to a new herd in AZ. He was a great contribution to our herd in 2011, we retained three of his daughters. Roca was shown in July of 2011, where he took Reserve Junior Champion buck. His second show, as a yealing buck in 2012, Roca took a First place and a Reserve Champion!
Dam: CBS CF Chocolate Truffle
DOB: April 13, 2011
Roca has moved on to a new herd in AZ. He was a great contribution to our herd in 2011, we retained three of his daughters. Roca was shown in July of 2011, where he took Reserve Junior Champion buck. His second show, as a yealing buck in 2012, Roca took a First place and a Reserve Champion!
Lost Valley CC Watermark *S

SS: MCH/GCH Lost Valley Pegasus +*S/+*B
Sire: Lost Valley PG Casting Crowns +*S/+*B
SD: ARMCH/GCH Lost Valley Callisto 2*m/2*D
DS: MCH Lost Valley Malachi +*S/+B
Dam: Lost Valley ML Hallelujah 4*D/2*M
DD: ARCH/GCH Lost Valley TB Obie 4*D/2*M
DOB: March 14, 2016
Sire: Lost Valley PG Casting Crowns +*S/+*B
SD: ARMCH/GCH Lost Valley Callisto 2*m/2*D
DS: MCH Lost Valley Malachi +*S/+B
Dam: Lost Valley ML Hallelujah 4*D/2*M
DD: ARCH/GCH Lost Valley TB Obie 4*D/2*M
DOB: March 14, 2016