For Sale
*We are happy to do package deals on any of our available does. Please ask.
Please read our sales information at the bottom of the page!
If you are purchasing a goat, I will assume you have read our sales policy below.
Available kids will be listed on this page, you may also check our Breedings page for pairings that may be of interest to you.
Thank you!
Doe Kids
Babies grow and change quickly, if you would like more pictures
I can email/text updated pictures upon request.
I can email/text updated pictures upon request.

S24 Chocolate & White
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
Dam: Sunset Plains Vintage Dazzle
DD: Sunset Plains HV Vintage Pearl
DOB: April 12, 2024
$300 SOLD
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
Dam: Sunset Plains Vintage Dazzle
DD: Sunset Plains HV Vintage Pearl
DOB: April 12, 2024
$300 SOLD

S26 Chocolate and White, blue eyed
SS: Stayawhile FINN Galaxy's Edge *B
Sire: DessertNanny GE Kiss This
SD: DesertNanny VE Kiss Me A Lot
DS: Sunset Plains III First Dance
Dam: Sunset Plains FD Dahlia
DD: Sunset Plains JB Tanooki
DOB: April 15, 2024
$300 SOLD

S4 Gold doe kid
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sunset Plains III First Dance
Dam: Sunset Plains FD Cookie Doe
DD: Sunset Plains Reeses Pieces
DOB: 3-21-24
$400 - SOLD
This kid is pretty and so correct! I love her. Super sweet personality, bottle fed.
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sunset Plains III First Dance
Dam: Sunset Plains FD Cookie Doe
DD: Sunset Plains Reeses Pieces
DOB: 3-21-24
$400 - SOLD
This kid is pretty and so correct! I love her. Super sweet personality, bottle fed.

S5 Gold doe kid
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
Dam: Sunset Plains JJ Jamboree
DD: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
DOB: 3-22-24
$300 SOLD
Really lovely doe kid. Her pictures don't show her well.
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
Dam: Sunset Plains JJ Jamboree
DD: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
DOB: 3-22-24
$300 SOLD
Really lovely doe kid. Her pictures don't show her well.

S6 Light gold, roaning
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
Dam: Sunset Plains JJ Jamboree
DD: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
Light gold, white roaning
DOB: 3-22-24
$300 SOLD
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
Dam: Sunset Plains JJ Jamboree
DD: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
Light gold, white roaning
DOB: 3-22-24
$300 SOLD

S10 Gold & White doe kid
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains Dreamsical
DD: Sunset Plains WT Whimsical
DOB: March 29, 2024
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains Dreamsical
DD: Sunset Plains WT Whimsical
DOB: March 29, 2024

S18 Red & White doe kid
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sunset Plains III First Dance
Dam: Sunset Plains FD PrincessPeach
DD: Dill's 007 Arwen
DOB: April 2,2024
$300.00 - SOLD
SS: Alethia V It Takes Dew
Sire: Sunset Plains ITD Dew It Again
SD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DS: Sunset Plains III First Dance
Dam: Sunset Plains FD PrincessPeach
DD: Dill's 007 Arwen
DOB: April 2,2024
$300.00 - SOLD
Dry Yearlings
Sunset Plains T Flower Girl

SS: Winning Streak O Remarkable
Sire: Winning Streak R Thistle *B
SD: Winning Streak CM Marigold 6*M
DS: Sunset Plains WT Huckleberry
Dam: Sunset Plains HB BridalBouquet
DD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DOB: July 17, 2023
Gold and White
Exposed to Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns, due February 23, 2025. Will need to stay until after freshening at this point.
This is a doe I would never sell if I was not cutting my herd. I would love to see her in a performance herd.
Sire: Winning Streak R Thistle *B
SD: Winning Streak CM Marigold 6*M
DS: Sunset Plains WT Huckleberry
Dam: Sunset Plains HB BridalBouquet
DD: SG Sunset Plains HV Confetti
DOB: July 17, 2023
Gold and White
Exposed to Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns, due February 23, 2025. Will need to stay until after freshening at this point.
This is a doe I would never sell if I was not cutting my herd. I would love to see her in a performance herd.
Sunset Plains ITD Dew Rejoice
* Still awaiting DNA results, I would consider letting her go unregistered.

Sire: Awaiting DNA
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2nd Honeymoon
DOB: May 5, 2023
Gold and white
Ready to be bred.
Sire: Awaiting DNA
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2nd Honeymoon
DOB: May 5, 2023
Gold and white
Ready to be bred.
Sunset Plains ITD Dew of Heaven

SS: Wood Bridge Farm Valedictorian *B
Sire: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
SD: SGCH Alethia M Dew Lee Noted 6*M
DS: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
Dam: Sunset Plains HeavenlyMischeif
DD:Tall & Small Much Ado
DOB: March 23, 2023
Chamoisee, random white
$400 SOLD
Exposed to Sweeter Than Honey Lovestruck, due March 2, 2025.
Lovely doe kid out of a very productive dam line of does who have will to milk and milk at level lactations.
Sire: Alethia V It Takes Dew *B
SD: SGCH Alethia M Dew Lee Noted 6*M
DS: Dreahook DER Storm Petrel
Dam: Sunset Plains HeavenlyMischeif
DD:Tall & Small Much Ado
DOB: March 23, 2023
Chamoisee, random white
$400 SOLD
Exposed to Sweeter Than Honey Lovestruck, due March 2, 2025.
Lovely doe kid out of a very productive dam line of does who have will to milk and milk at level lactations.
Nothing available.
Senior Does
Sunset Plains Vintage Dazzle
Affectionately called "Velvet"
For Sale- $400
For Sale- $400
*We have many senior does available, as we are trying to cut back our herd.

SS: Old Mountain Farm Slim Jim
Sire: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
SD: Old Mountain Farm Eileen
DS: Owl Haven Nigel
Dam: Sunset Plains NL Vintage Pearl
DD: Sunset Plains Vintage Lace
DOB: April 22, 2022
Chocolate Buckskin/Sungau combo.
Sire: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
SD: Old Mountain Farm Eileen
DS: Owl Haven Nigel
Dam: Sunset Plains NL Vintage Pearl
DD: Sunset Plains Vintage Lace
DOB: April 22, 2022
Chocolate Buckskin/Sungau combo.
Sunset Plains FD Princess Peach

SS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Dill's TS Double Oh Seven *B
Dam: Dill's 007 Arwen
DD: Dill's RD Naughty Little Elf 5*M
DOB: March 16, 2021
Cream Point Chamoisee
Gorgeous doe with width from her muzzle to her hocks. Peach is just the perfect little dairy goat, with an Alpine appearance. I am trying to cut my herd back or she would be staying, I have her daughter here, so I can let her go. Peach could use an improvement in rear udder height and in her medial suspensory ligament.
For sale $400
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance
SD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DS: Dill's TS Double Oh Seven *B
Dam: Dill's 007 Arwen
DD: Dill's RD Naughty Little Elf 5*M
DOB: March 16, 2021
Cream Point Chamoisee
Gorgeous doe with width from her muzzle to her hocks. Peach is just the perfect little dairy goat, with an Alpine appearance. I am trying to cut my herd back or she would be staying, I have her daughter here, so I can let her go. Peach could use an improvement in rear udder height and in her medial suspensory ligament.
For sale $400
Sunset Plains WT Hallel
SS SG MCH/CH Proctor Hill Farm KS Kingspear
Sire: Sunset Plains KS Wyatt SD: Sunset Plains DM ChocolateChip DS: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B Dam: Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold DD: Sunset Plains DM Reese Pieces DOB: May 12, 2019 Gold with chocolate and silver moonspots LA Scores- 2022- V+EV86 RUH35 Show Wins- 2x first place yearling milker, June Jubilee 2021 |
I love Hallel! She is correct, with a lovely little first fresh udder, with great rear and lateral attachments, just like the rest of the does in her pedigree. I am happy to watch her mature.
Sunset Plains NL Vintage Pearl

SS: Cedar View Placido
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *B
Dam: Sunset Plains Vintage Lace
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DOB: March 5, 2021
Chocolate Buckskin
LA Scores-
2022- +++G80
Another gorgeous Lacy daughter! She and her older sister have followed the consistency of this bloodline well. Pearl hates to lead! I'm sure she will come around with a little training.
Sire: Owlhaven Nigel
SD: Owlhaven DR Shashimi
DS: Dill's PW Joe Boxer *B
Dam: Sunset Plains Vintage Lace
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DOB: March 5, 2021
Chocolate Buckskin
LA Scores-
2022- +++G80
Another gorgeous Lacy daughter! She and her older sister have followed the consistency of this bloodline well. Pearl hates to lead! I'm sure she will come around with a little training.
Dill's TS Shenanigans

SS: Dill's LD Derringer *S/++*B
Sire: Dill's D Two-Step +*B
SD: SGCH NC PromisedLand PAL Macarena 5*M
DS: Dill's XM Old Hank *S/+*B
Dam: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE91
DD: SG Dill's BF Kiss This 2*M
DOB: March 17, 2017
Chamiosee with cream points
LA Scores-
2022- +EE+86
2019- VVVV86
I had admired Shenanigan's dam for a few years in the Dill's herd. Take a look at that pedigree! Every relative has milking merits and SG grand dams. I love this doe; she has the sweetest personality and took right to milking like she was born for it. Shenanigans milks out effortlessly with her open orifices, and even as an FF has never kicked on the stand, she is the first doe at the gate to milk every day. I would like to see more angularity from Shenanigans, also a better teat placement.
Sire: Dill's D Two-Step +*B
SD: SGCH NC PromisedLand PAL Macarena 5*M
DS: Dill's XM Old Hank *S/+*B
Dam: SG Dill's H Up Yours 3*M VEEE91
DD: SG Dill's BF Kiss This 2*M
DOB: March 17, 2017
Chamiosee with cream points
LA Scores-
2022- +EE+86
2019- VVVV86
I had admired Shenanigan's dam for a few years in the Dill's herd. Take a look at that pedigree! Every relative has milking merits and SG grand dams. I love this doe; she has the sweetest personality and took right to milking like she was born for it. Shenanigans milks out effortlessly with her open orifices, and even as an FF has never kicked on the stand, she is the first doe at the gate to milk every day. I would like to see more angularity from Shenanigans, also a better teat placement.
Sunset Plains III Indigo Rose

SS:Kyeema Ridge Irish Heartbeat
Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
SD: Kyeema Ridge MS Black Shadow
DS: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
Dam: Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold
DD: Sunset Plains DM Reese Pieces
DOB: April 16, 2020
Swiss Marked, white belt
LA Scores-
2022- +VV+84
I love this doe! She is the first 2020 doe to catch my eye when I walk out to the pasture. So much strength and width. Unfortunately hard cuts have to be made.
Sire: Dawnland Irish India Ink
SD: Kyeema Ridge MS Black Shadow
DS: CBF KS I'm A Humvee *B
Dam: Sunset Plains HV Autumn Gold
DD: Sunset Plains DM Reese Pieces
DOB: April 16, 2020
Swiss Marked, white belt
LA Scores-
2022- +VV+84
I love this doe! She is the first 2020 doe to catch my eye when I walk out to the pasture. So much strength and width. Unfortunately hard cuts have to be made.
Sunset Plains FD Cookie Doe
SS: Dawnland Irish India ink
Sire: Sunset Plains III First Dance SD: SG Valley Flowers 2nd Honeymoon DS: Blunderosa Dark Moon Dam: Sunset plains DM Reeses Pieces DD: Sunset Plains Peppermint Patty DOB: June 14, 2022 Gold, silver moonspots $350 - SOLD I'm loving little Cookie Dough FF udder! She willingly comes to milk, has never kicked, has been machine and hand milked with zero trouble. Butter soft udder texture, nice snug attachments. Currently dried off. Would really like to see her go to a show home. |
Sunset Plains JJ Jamboree

SS: Old Mountain Farm Slim Jim
Sire: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
SD: Old Mountain Farm Eileen
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DOB: March 6, 2022
Jamboree is such a good girl! Milking super well, happily coming to the stand every day, soft udder texture and a will to milk. Now dry.
Black; frosted ears, white poll
Another doe I really do not want to see leave. She is just lovely and eye catching every time I look out in the pasture.
Sire: Sweeter Than Honey Jimmy Johns
SD: Old Mountain Farm Eileen
DS: Dawnland Irish India Ink
Dam: Sunset Plains III Jubilee
DD: SG Valley Flowers 2ND Honeymoon
DOB: March 6, 2022
Jamboree is such a good girl! Milking super well, happily coming to the stand every day, soft udder texture and a will to milk. Now dry.
Black; frosted ears, white poll
Another doe I really do not want to see leave. She is just lovely and eye catching every time I look out in the pasture.
Senior Bucks
None available.
All wethers are available for $125.00 each. I will only sell wethers in pairs.
Please contact me if you would like to place a deposit to hold wether kids. I will hold the kids of your choice until weaning with a $50 deposit.
Please contact me if you would like to place a deposit to hold wether kids. I will hold the kids of your choice until weaning with a $50 deposit.
Sales Policy
We thank you for your interest in one of our goats!
We strive to breed quality, healthy goats, who are able to compete in the milk pail as well as the show ring, and who score well in Linear Appraisal.
Our goats are given the best of care to our ability. Babies are disbudded and tattooed prior to leaving for their new homes. All does and intact bucks will come with registrations papers for ADGA. Wether kids are not registerable.
We cannot guarantee the health of any goat after leaving Sunset Plains as there are too many factors to take into consideration. We will welcome a full veterinary exam at the buyer's expense on any animal prior to leaving our farm. All sales are final. All of our goats over the age of six months are tested for CAE. If you would like further health testing on a goat over six months which you have placed a deposit on, we are happy to do that.
If there is a planned breeding pair of interest to you, we will take verbal reservations until
kids are born, at which point a $100.00 non-refundable deposit will hold the kid
of your choosing until weaning age. Kids will be weaned at approximately eight
weeks of age, this will vary based on each individual kid. We do not sell single goats, you must already own goats or they need to go as a pair, goats are herd animals and cannot live alone.
All goats must be paid for in full before leaving Sunset Plains. Any cost, including crate and health certificates associated with shipping is the responsibility of the buyer. Goats can be shipped out of Albuquerque International Airport, we are also willing to assist in locating ground transportation, there are many reliable ground shippers, and this has been our preferred method. Ground and air transport do require a health certificate. The cost is $55 for a health certificate.
If you are purchasing an adult goat, we will require half down of the goat's purchase price as a non-refundable deposit to hold the goat until pickup time, which I will work with you to arrange. We cannot hold adult animals past two weeks. If you back out of the sale, before it is finalized, for any reason, you FORFEIT your deposit, and the animal will be re-listed for sale. This is non-negotiable.
*We can accept PayPal and Venmo below, if you do choose to use PayPal you must add 3% to the purchase price or send the funds without using the fee option.
Thank you!